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Display Graphic Artwork Guidelines

Here are some guidelines to follow when creating artwork for your trade show display graphics. These guidelines apply to the following display graphic application methods:
• Fabric
• Vinyl wrap
• Direct print to substrate (i.e. Sintra or PVC, plex)
• Cut vinyl lettering and logos


Preferred Digital Artwork File Formats

We prefer that you send us your final artwork in the following formats: Adobe Illustrator® or Adobe Photoshop®. File types that work best are .eps, .tif, .ai, .qxd, .psd, .jpg, or .pdf-x1a.


File Size and Resolution

Construct the file at 150 dpi @ 100% size. You can scale the dimensions of your print, but adjust the resolution accordingly. For example, the file can be created at 300 dpi @ 1/3 final size, or 200 dpi @ 1/2 final size. If the resolution is set too high, the files will be too large to work with. If the resolution is too low, the results will be pixelated and disappointing. If a white border is required for framing please specify.


Bleed and Custom Cuts

Include at least 1 inch of bleed on all sides unless otherwise indicated. If you require a custom contour or die cut, include a separate vector layer in your file which indicates the cut. Indicate desired cuts and folds with printer’s marks placed in the file.


Color codes

We prefer using CMYK color profiles, not RGB. Please convert to CMYK or let us know what RGB profile is used in the file. Unknown RGB files converted to CMYK during the printing process may have unexpected color shifts. Grayscale images are also printed in CMYK. This may bend the grayscale image either warm or cool. Grayscale projects must have test prints.


Test First Then Send

Always test your file on a desktop printer before sending us your file. If it doesn’t print for you, it won’t print for us. There are many potential problems associated with digital output that can be discovered by test printing.


Compress All Files into One File

Include ALL of your files, fonts, and linked images into a single “compressed” zip file.

For any questions, please contact us at: 858-240-7530


ExhibiTeam recommends Wetransfer as a way to send us your digital assets.

Wetransfer has made a nifty little graphic with instructions on how to send your transfer:

Use info@myexhibiteam.com as the email for the “Their email address” field in the form.

Download the Display Graphic Artwork Guidelines pdf file: